Welcome to 20KL Free Water Scheme registration.

Aadhaar Linking


Time left = {{timer}}
Uploaded Aadhaar Count : {{TotalUploadedAadhaars}}
S.No. Flat/Unit PTIN Name as per PTIN Records Beneficiary Type (Owner/Tenant) Aadhaar Number Name as per Aadhaar Mobile Number Status Action
Name Check
Check if the Name spell in CAN and Name spell in Aadhaar are same. If same please proceed to (# 3) Aadhaar linking to CAN.
Name Correction
Dear Consumer, To correct spelling of name against your CAN, you need to answer certain Security Questions. Please keep one of the last 6 months Bill copy and working Mobile Number. Please click here for Name Correction.
Aadhaar Linking
Dear Consumer, To link Aadhaar against your CAN for availing free drinking water supply scheme, please keep Aadhaar card & Aadhaar linked Mobile Number.
Note: Please read the steps before proceeding. If read,

For Individual Domestic / Domestic Slum Connections Please click here for Aadhaar Linkage.

For MSB/Colonies Connections Please click here for Aadhaar Linkage.

Aadhaar Delinkingnew1.gif
Dear Consumer, To Delinking Aadhaar against the CAN will optout free drinking water supply scheme.

Note: Delinking will be effective from next billing month. If you wish to delink,

For Individual Domestic / Domestic Slum Connections Please click here for Aadhaar Delinking.

For MSB/Colonies Connections Please click here for Aadhaar Delinking.

Identity Check

Disclaimer :

Dear Consumer, Name Correction provision is only to correct mis-spelt names against your CAN. CAN Holder cannot be changed.

Please keep any of the past 6 months water bill copy with you for answering security questions.

Name as per HMWSSB water bill should not be empty
Bill No. as per HMWSSB water bill should not be empty
Bill Month as per HMWSSB water bill should not be empty

Name Correction

(As per Aadhaar)
(To receive OTP)
Do you want to modify your mobile number for CAN.
I hereby declare that HMWSSB has allowed me to correcting name to as it appears on card, in HMWSSB database. Changes would be effected in database. If at a later period, it is noticed that if any particulars furnished by me are incorrect, then HMWSSB can initiate any legal action as per law.

Aadhaar Linking


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   Get OTP

Aadhaar Delinking


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Disclaimer : I am hereby declaring that I am aware that delinking of Aadhaar will be removed from my benefit of Free water supply Scheme. Also submit that the details provided in the above application is true with my best of knowledge and I will agree to take necessary action against me by HMWSSB on any misappropriations details found.

Aadhaar Delinking


Time left = {{timer}}

S.No. Flat/Unit PTIN Name as per PTIN Records Beneficiary Type (Owner/Tenant) Aadhaar Number Name as per Aadhaar Mobile Number Status
Disclaimer : I am hereby declaring that I am aware that delinking of Aadhaar will be removed from my benefit of Free water supply Scheme. Also submit that the details provided in the above application is true with my best of knowledge and I will agree to take necessary action against me by HMWSSB on any misappropriations details found.